Non-Surgical & Drug-Free Solution
Peripheral nerves refer to all the nerves in the body outside the brain and spinal cord. Strictly speaking, neuropathy is any disease process affecting peripheral nerves, which includes pathology affecting only a single nerve (mononeuropathy), or the nerve roots (radiculopathy), or the nerve plexuses (plexopathy). However, the term ‘peripheral neuropathy’ is usually used for what is technically called polyneuropathy. Polyneuropathy is a generalized or widespread process affecting the peripheral nerves, often in a symmetrical fashion and causing symptoms that are more pronounced.
We offer a unique and leading-edge approach to treating the burning, tingling, throbbing pain that may be associated with Peripheral Neuropathy or Nerve Damage. We have helped 100’s of patients, just like you, reduce their pain fast and get back to living their lives.
- Fast, Safe, Proven Relief
- FDA Cleared
- No Downtime
- Non-Surgical
- Opioid Free
You Don't Have To Live With The Pain!
Call Us Today: 918-481-2772
We are confident that we can help reduce your sharp, burning and scorching pain,
and in some instances completely eliminate it. It’s what we do.

- No More Throbbing Foot or Hand Pain
- Quit Popping Pills
- Stop the Burning & Tingling
- Waking Up Thinking About Pain
- Get Rid of the Pain All Night
- Stop Ignoring the Pain
- Don’t settle for typical pain management
- No More Side Effects from Medication
- Wake Up with No Pain
- Avoid Surgery
- Get More Energy to Do What You Want
- Walk Without Limping
- Be Active & Agile Again
- No More Wasted Days
- No More Wasted DaysZ
- Pain Free Life Is Possible
How common is peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. But, it affects the lives of between 10 and 20 million Americans. Neuropathy can be caused by diabetes, hereditary disorders, inflammation, and medications such as cholesterol lowering (statin) drugs, and more.
What are the common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?
- Shooting or burning hands or feet
- Sensitive to the touch
- Lack of sensation (can’t feel where you are walking)
- Trouble sleeping
- Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
- Increased risk of falling, poor balance
For Fast Relief - Electric Cell Signalling (ECS)
One of our most effective treatment protocols for pain uses a technique called Electric Cell Signaling (ECS), based on the physics of resonance. Resonance is the electrical signaling between cells. Resonance is similar to when a piano is tuned. The tuner strikes the piano string to adjust the energy that vibrates along it to create sound. Adjusting the string creates the ideal pitch or tone for the piano.
Electric cell signaling is similar, and the goal is to optimize the energy levels (the resonance) between your cells. When these signals are optimized and correctly ‘tuned’, intercellular communication is normalized. Your cells are able to successfully transfer energy that’s used to heal injured tissues and relieve pain.
Pain Relief is Caused by:
- pH normalization
- Hormone/ligand activity imitation
- Trophic improvement
- Improved membrane permeability
- Immune system support (Gap Junction) via improved cell-to-cell communication
Chronic pain conditions can take a toll on your quality of life, both physically and emotionally. At Regeneration Nation, we take a different, innovative approach to treating pain associated with peripheral neuropathy and chronic pain conditions using state-of-the-art electrotherapy.
What Is Sanexas Electrotherapy
The Sanexas neoGEN is an FDA cleared treatment that has proven results in helping relieve pain and symptoms associated with Neuropathy and other chronic pain conditions.
Improve Your Everyday Quality of Life with Long-Lasting
Results From Sanexas Electrotherapy
- FDA Cleared
- Drug-Free
- Non-invasive
- Painless
- Long-lasting Results
Chronic pain conditions can take a toll on your quality of life, both physically and emotionally. At Apple Medical Clinic we take a different, innovative approach to treating pain associated with peripheral neuropathy and chronic pain conditions using state-of-the-art electrotherapy.
The Sanexas electrical cell signaling system goes beyond traditional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy; it uses multiple harmonic electronic signal energy waves produced by an ultra- high digital frequency generator. These therapeutic energy waves stimulate the body on a cellular level without being invasive or causing discomfort. Over time, with these treatments many patients report less reliance on pain medications, increased mobility and an overall improvement in their quality of life.
How Does Sanexas Neogen Work?
Sanexas works at the cellular level, it delivers energy to the affected area of the body at varying wavelengths, including both low-frequency and middle-frequency signals. It also uses amplitude modulated (AM) and frequency modulated (FM) signaling. During a treatment session, the electrical nerve stimulation automatically changes to simultaneously deliver AM and FM electric cell signal energy. The benefit of this system is that it has the ability to affect nerve cell membranes and the surrounding tissue to produce a harmonic resonant vibration.
What Does This Mean for Your Body?
The 'harmonic frequencies" stimulate cells promote repair and healing to areas affected by the nerve damage of peripheral neuropathy.
After a series of electrotherapy treatments, the body responds by:
- Normalizing pH
- Imitating hormone activity
- Improving cell-to-cell communication to increase healing and immune system support
- Actively repairs and regenerates cells promoting healing
The Team at Apple Medical Clinic selects a customized treatment plan that when combined with other therapies, it can manage pain and neuropathy symptoms and help improve quality of life.
What It Treats
- Pain associated with Peripheral Neuropathy (prickling, tingling, numbness, burning, sharp) due to diabetes, chemotherapy, injuries and infections
- Chronic Pain Conditions
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Sciatica
- Foot Drop
- Knee Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Muscle Weakness
- Cramping & Discomfort
- Loss of Coordination
- Restless Leg
- Increasing Circulation
- Relaxation of Muscle Spasms
- Neuro-Muscular Reeducation
- Maintaining or Increasing Range of Motion
Neuropathy Patient Testimonials

These Are Just A Few of The Many 5-Star Video Testimonials We Have To Share.
We Saved A Space For Your Success Story.

Regeneration Nation
Kelly Medical Building
6565 S Yale Ave
Suite 106
Tulsa, OK 74136